City of San Diego, Commission for Arts and Culture
County of San Diego
Bayshots – Darrall Slater
Cabrillo Civic Club # 16
Cabrillo Festival Committee, Ensenada, Baja California
Estado Major da Armada (Portuguese Navy), Lisbon
Fletcher Hills Printing
House of Spain/Casa de Espana en San Diego
Luso-American Development Foundation
Portuguese-American Social and Civic Club
San Diego Maritime Museum
Secretario de Estado das Communidades Portuguesas, Lisbon
Temple of the Dad
United Portuguese SES, Inc.
U.S. National Park Service, Cabrillo National Monument
*U.S. Naval Base Point Loma, San Diego
*”The Cooperation of Naval Base Point Loma does not necessarily constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring of any person or organization by the United States Government.”
In Living Memory
The Cabrillo Festival Inc. President Emerita Mary Rosa Giglitto, passed away on February 27, 2011. An active member of the Portuguese community, Mary will always be a symbol of the Cabrillo Festival. May you Rest In Peace Mary Rosa Giglitto forever Cabrillo Festival President Emerita.
For more information, call Cabrillo National Monument, (619) 557-5450 Ext. 0 or write: Cabrillo Festival, Inc. P O Box 601718, San Diego, CA 92166-0718.